Last updated: July 17th 2024
General rules for the entire community.
- Apply common sense to your actions, if you have to ask if something is allowed it probably isnt.
- If you are unsure if something is allowed or not you should contact a staff member, do not assume something is allowed purely because it isnt in the rules.
- Harrasment of any kind is not allowed, this can vary from very direct actions to merely targetting someone ingame, take personal vendettas elsewhere. If you feel like you are being harassed you should report this to a staff member, do not engage in the same behaviour back.
- Do not post any NSFW or NSFL content, this includes but is not limited to: Sexually Explicit Material, Gore, Shock Footage.
- Advertising in any form is strictly forbidden.
- Do not leak personal information of people (Doxxing).
- If you feel a staff member has treated you unfairly, report them to the Community Manager on Discord. Refrain from creating public drama.
- Using alternate accounts is allowed as long as you: Dont log in with multiple at the same time, dont use them for any advantage, dont use them to evade punishments.
- You are responsible for your account's actions, we do not make any exceptions for the infamous brother, sister or hacker logging into your account.
- Do not impersonate staff members.
- If a player has been banned do not engage in mean comments or general negative statements towards or about them after the ban, they've already been punished at that point and cannot defend themself.
The proper procedures and conduct regarding cading.
- Do not intentionally interfere with people who are cading, this includes but is not limited to: Piling props at their cade as this does not help cading infact it makes matters worse because they lose time by moving the junk aside, Messing with their props, Messing with their cade.
- Let more experienced caders create the main barricade if they are willing to.
- You are allowed to shitcade as long as this has no negative effect on your team.
- Ask for permission before adding onto or removing someones cade or nailed props.
Reporting, handling and general interpretations of exploits and abusive mechanics
Philosophy of moderation regarding Fairplay:
While exploiting is a serious issue we recognize that not all things staff members can perceive as abuse are done with a abusive or malicious intent, therefore if we establish that you did violate one of these rules but had no malicious intent or reason to believe something was an exploit(within reason, up to moderators discretion) you are likely to be given a warning and not a straight up ban like would be common with violations of exploiting rules, however this is only meant as a measure to ensure people are not unfairly punished, this leniency will not be given out continuously. We do not keep a public list of things we regard as exploits as this would merely serve as a tutorial, hence the leniency policy.
- Any form of exploiting or abuse of game mechanics regardless of intent is forbidden.
- Using cheats/hacks/trainers or any form of modification with the intent or outcome of gaining an advantage is not allowed.
- Do not share information about bugs/exploits/glitches with anyone but a Developer. Developers can most easily be contacted on our Discord.
- If you discover or have knowledge of anything which can reasonably be expected to be problematic you are required to report this through the proper channels, this includes but is not limited to: Exploits, Glitches, Bugs, Clearly overpowered strategies or loadouts.
- Staying in places where bots cannot reach you is allowed, as long as actual players of the opposite team are able to reach you.
- It is not allowed to go out of bounds in maps.
- It is not allowed to needlessly delay the end of an objective map either through camping a spot, running backwards through the map or any other means, however trying your best to survive for a couple minutes is normal, this is only enforced for lengthy durations.
Communication of any kind within the community.
- Racism, Hate Speech, Harassment, Homophobia, Transphobia, Slurs, Baiting Slurs and any other forms of discrimination or edginess are forbidden.
- Spam of any kind whether this is through chat, voice, beacons, pings or any other form of communication is forbidden.
- Encouragement of suicide is strictly forbidden, no exceptions will be made, not jokingly, not as a meme, zero exceptions.
- The global voicechannel (vc en) is for English communication only.
- Be respectful to fellow community members and refrain from arguing with other community members, instead have a civil discussion or drop the subject.
- Threats(Violence, DDoSing, etc), Bullying, Raiding, Drama, Spreading Rumours or any other forms of drama seeking behaviour are strictly forbidden and ussually dealt with on a zero tolerance policy.
- Refrain from using the microphone if people seem annoyed by your voice.
- Custom voicechannels are only exempt from rule 4.2, all other rules still apply.
- Swearing is allowed. Harassing is not allowed. There is a difference between swearing and insulting.
- Using other languages is not forbidden but discouraged, broken English is better than a language no one else understands.
- Yelling or whining does not solve problems. Stay calm and suggest better solutions or take the initiative to improve the situation.
- The main language of chat is English, we wont mind a couple offhand comments in another language but full on conversations or constant communication in another language is detrimental to the experience of others.
Proper conduct regarding teamplay.
- Do not disrupt your team's gameplay, this includes but is not limited to: Nesting far away from humans, Destroying nests for no good reason as zombie, Trolling your team members, Playing the game in a way which puts your own team at a clear and intentional disadvantage. Nailing a bunch of props and then suiciding, Creating a prop staircase as human and then zmaining.
- Do not encourage your team to sabotage the game, this includes but is not limited to: telling everyone to skip the map.
- Cross Teaming or otherwise helping the opposing team is forbidden, this includes but is not limited to: not killing or otherwise playing against your friend who is on another team, using alt accounts to be on more than one team, communicating sensitive information to players on another team.
- Tricking or deceiving the opposite team is allowed but should not be confused with trolling.
- Trolling anyone is not allowed this includes unhelpful responses to people who are asking for help.
Additional things we would like to mention.
- Zombies.Zone is a free hobby and is under no obligations to provide any services to anyone.