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I have added the following maps to the rotation:
- zs_decommissioned_1a
- zs_dustierv2
- zs_ffvii_cosmo_canyon_v3
- zs_monday_b1
- zs_shadows_a1
Feedback on the maps is welcome in

Discord Relay

Discord Relay
I have added the following maps to the rotation:
- zs_church_siege_redux_v4a
- zs_heckarch_v1a
- zs_homers_compound_v3
- zs_filth_core_v4
Feedback on the maps is welcome in

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I have added the following maps to the rotation:
- zs_bar_v5
- zs_cabin_v7
And replaced these maps:
- zs_altcore_v4 with zs_altcore_v6
- zs_biolab_v1 with zs_biolab_v4a (v1 has been out of rotation for a while)
- zs_indev_v3a with zs_indev_v6a
Feedback on the maps is welcome in

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I have added the following maps to the rotation:
- zs_altcore_v4 made by @disp_
- zs_under_the_devs_v1e made by @mil260
And replaced these maps:
- zs_lighthouse_v1_zz with zs_lighthouse_zz_v2h
- zs_fireforest_redo_v2 with zs_fireforest_redo_v2_e_zz
Minimaps and map images for these maps will be added later.
I have also changed the name of the map-balancing channel to map-feedback and added tags for new map, map balance and map removal suggestions. So if you have suggestions for maps or map feedback, please share it here

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<@371673253074305025> has been promoted to <@&288757492811431938> .
Ive also given the greenlight for news maps to be added to rotation, im still working on allowing the uploads of minimap and map images but that shouldnt take too long.
Ive also enabled double XP until monday.

Discord Relay
FYI: Any changes i make can be discussed, the goal is to make the game better
- Nerfed fanger:
*Pellets: 12 -> 10
*Actual spread
*Reload delay: 0.45 -> 0.6
- Added a new chatbox thats better, it has stuff like emojis
- Fixed two exploits with Petrisis Baron
- Fixed exploit with flesh creeper
- The Entity viewmodel shows your current invisibility just like on the wraith
- Improvements to AzBot
- Armor for Petrisis Baron scales properly with playcount now
- Properly cap the max hp of a boss with a hp penalty
- Fixed exploit that allowed you to essentialy cheat in damage and steal boss
- You dont get boss dmg anymore for killing afk humans
- Fixed verified cader tag overriding donator tag
- Fixed vc en not being marked as a default vc which allowed the first person who joined to kick people from it
- Added "off", "silence", "silent", "mute" as aliases for disabling vc instead of creating a new vc
- Buffed bloated zombie attack from 31 to 38 damage so its not weaker than the normal zombie its attack
- Fixed purifier working through walls and ceilings

Discord Relay

Discord Relay

Discord Relay
Its christmas time again!
Join Server 1 for 2x xp and presents and the other christmas stuff we do each year!
-# Poster by <@177047567920660490>

Discord Relay
- Fixed Dual Terminator movespeed being higher than a single Terminator
- Reverted DMG buff to scratcher
- Thor can no longer be sold in arsenal crates
- Removed fire from bonemesh projectiles
- Nerfed "Glavanizer Implant":
*Removed: "-50% slow vulnerability"
*Removed: "-50% knockdown time"
*Removed: "-66% duration of pulling attacks"
- Nerfed "Cutlery Set": -80% -> -33% eating time
- Fixed chatbox error
- All food items can now be eaten even when at full health
- Fixed infinite boss spawn exploit
- Fixed issue with guardian healing when switching teams
- Fixed OBJ maps sometimes breaking
- Fixed issue with VC commands
- Buffed The Entity:
*Fully invisible beyond 700 units
*HP: 1500 -> 2000
*2HP per second regen
*Immune to health being lowered from playcount
*Disabled player to player collisions

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Discord Relay
In response Ares has been permabanned for this extremely irresponsible behaviour that could have ruined someones life.
As for tubesteak the zero tolerance policy remains, any further offence will result in a permanent ban, referring to the king of stones incident where after being warned no further issues ever popped up
It is to be believed Tubesteak was a minor himself at the time being a bit reckless but no ill intentions were there, and no verifiable boundary crossing can be seen,

Discord Relay
I have also been made aware now there was a inquiry to tubesteak earlier and he should have been informed more than he was by us, we wanted to do this but the short notice on which this switched from a report to drama has us make the newsfeed message

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Discord Relay
It has now been brought to our attention that Ares has decided to create a video about this situation dramatising the situation, telling it in a inaccurate way with the intention to create as much public drama as possible.
I myself have not seen this video but have been informed that it directly accuses me of inaction even though i wasnt the one handling this, and certainly did not let inaction happen as i did chip in to make sure the issue wasnt left to rot, however as described above everyone who we did talk to said theres no problem and everyone we couldnt reach are a unknown scenario to us about what happened.
I find the way Ares has handled this extremely immature, disrespectful and reckless. To both the victim and Zombies.Zone staff that worked hard on trying to piece together what went down and reaching out to supposed victims, to then also make a video and share that around right when i am starting a break to destress from development and community management forcing me to drop what im doing and return home to handle this situation is really lame.
I urge everyone to consider everything in this scenario before forming a strong opinion, discussion is welcome in <#676648098985934848> and should only happen there to limit the other channels being flooded.
Under this post i will attach the unverified evidence that Ares sent us as
Since this issue is now brought to the public and how its at a complete dead end i will give the community a vote in a poll about which action Zombies.Zone should take regarding Tubesteak.
Zombies.Zone does not tolerate grooming in any capacity and neither does it allow its members to be unfairly targetted with unverified claims, weighing this is a careful procedure and as a staff team we feel that at the very least 1 verified piece of evidence is needed to convict someone of such a serious offence.
For any questions regarding this you can ping me @warden in <#676648098985934848> with your question, do not DM me as i want this communication to be open to the public.

Discord Relay
So who are the supposed victims, and what was the accusation?
King of stones - Inappropriate conduct, sexually explicit comments, making advances despite being told to stop.
Ares - Sexually explicit comments including those about pornography and bodies
ConnectedWizard (this one is weird, apparently he was only included into this because he said he just generally wants tube gone, not a victim, hard to verify as they didnt communicate anything)
Sosna - Sexually explicit comments (all we know so far, may be more but we have not heard from this player)
Solastra - Unknown, they were involved in the report but we cannot find anything back about them
Poulet - Sexually explicit comments made to them when they were 14 years old, asking for private information about their body, being sent DMs about pornography
Techno - Sexually explicit comments such as asking if this player “masturbated”, “shaved”, their “pp size” and asked about kinks; sent NSFW art in DMs
What did these supposed victims say to us when we contacted them?
King of stones - Contacted to hear about their story, turned out to the be the report as described earlier on, so as it was already handled their story ends here
Ares - Left and cut off all lines of communication midway
ConnectedWizard - Did not respond to any communication
Sosna - We were able to communicate with them and it turned out no sexual messages were exchanged
Solastra - Did not respond to any communication
Poulet - Did not respond to any communication
Techno - Responded to us, said he didnt care about this scenario and doesnt feel like theyre a victim
Which of these victims are minors at the time the accusation claims?
King of stones - 16yo, Not a minor in their respective country
Ares - Age unknown to us
ConnectedWizard - Age unknown to us, but clearly an adult from voicechat
Sosna - Exact age unknown to us, however no sexual messages were exchanged so we stopped bothering them here.
Solastra - Age unknown to us
Poulet - Age unknown to us
Techno - Exact age unknown to us, however is not a minor

Discord Relay
@everyone I want to start this off by saying that the safety of members in this community is one of our highest priorities.
We wanted to keep this a private matter to respect the privacy of possible victims but Ares has now turned this into a public scenario by dming people his biased version of the story and to my knowledge including a dramatised video, this has forced us to now speak up about this in public.
The who what why of the video is unknown to me but to the best available information i have this is believed to have come from Ares, however others might be involved.
Tubesteak has been accused by Ares of grooming minors, this accusation by Ares was first brought to my attention by Flamingo who i then instructed to compile a list of possible victims involved and steamid/discord so we could contact them.
With this accusation a google drive link was shared with unverified evidence that if legitemate would put tubesteak in very hot water.
Disclaimer: The name Ares and Aries are very similar, please do not confuse them in the following text.
As at the time i was busy IRL with personal matters i could not postpone i handed the handling of this problem over to Aries so it could get the attention and speed it deserves.
In the following days Aries was in close communication with Ares about this problem trying to gather more evidence and start a line of communication with the possible victims.
Ares previously has been in hot water himself for taking part in community drama and racism, he aswell has not been fond of Tubesteak to begin with, for these reasons we approached the situation with the caution it deserved.
Simply trusting the screenshots Ares has sent us wasnt enough, we wanted to personally talk to the victims involved to hear their story or at the very least just hear a "yes thats accurate" to verify the story, however every single person except two have not even responded to our request for communication, to us it seems quite weird that a random community member like Ares can talk to these people but we cant even begin to start chatting to hear a simple "yes" from them. For this reason the ticket handling this issue has reached a standstill, we approached Ares multiple times to inform the possible victims they need to respond to us so we can give this issue the care and attention it deserves, Ares has promised multiple times he will get them to talk to us, however this has never resulted in anything.
After weeks of waiting and multiple inquiries from staff to put us in touch with the victims we decided to inform Ares that if nobody is willing to talk to us given his history it would be hard for us to justify outright permabanning Tubesteak and permanently ruining his reputation on garrysmod as a whole, this comes back to community safety itself, the community should be safe from groomers, likewise the community members should be safe from getting very very serious punishments applied to them without any verified evidence.
I want to introduce the problems with King Of Stones here first, well before Ares contacted us King Of Stones has reached out to staff about Tubesteaks sexual comments towards him, this incident was handled by Flamingo, upon further communication this seemed to be a misunderstanding between the two related to nobody ever asking how old someone is, or telling the other party to stop, it was then decided that with the emotions and wishes of the people involved that Tubesteak would be put on a zero tolerance penalty for any misbehaviour whatsoever if any verified evidence of him doing something like this ever showed again, after this we have heard of no such incidents taking place anymore, given that at the time of this report it was believed to be an isolated incident coming forth out of misunderstanding that this zero tolerance penalty was enough.

Discord Relay
- Improved scheduled restart by having the voted map be the map the server is on when its done restarting
- Fixed random lagspikes during gameplay that were most noticable on older pc's or when running the game through Proton
- Changed how Boss Health is calculated, its much lower on low to mid pop while being a bit higher on high pop (see attached graph comparing it for the baron)
- Fixed and improved Flesh Creeper (see attached video):
*Added a burrowing mode that slowly heals you and hides you, bound to the ALT key
*Fixed broken animations from last gmod update
*Improved attacking animations
*Improved running animations
- Changed the antispam message to be less antagonistic

Discord Relay
- Improved the look of damage floaters, they now show when youre damaging armor or a shield
- Fixed error related to weapon sounds
- Removed extremely outdated message popping up for some people
- Fixed nailed props showing a incorrect nail count
- Fixed being able to make invulnerable props if you nailed them a certain way
- Fixed cheesy strats to do with unnailing/nailing when a prop is about to break
- Fixed nail bonus not always being calculated correctly
- Fixed some props having a higher HP when unnailed than when they are nailed
- Fixed breakable props(like crates) receiving double damage sometimes
- Fixed humans being able to destroy a nailed prop is rare cases
- Fixed unnailing props in a very specific way causing them to become unbreakable
- Fixed unnailing a prop in a specific way not updating the bonus health
- Fixed nailing props in a weird way glitching out the nail HUD
- Fixed bug/exploit that allowed teamkilling
- Replaced !rules and !motd with a direct link to the website as gmod uses a 15 year old outdated browser thats useless
- Added !site command that links to the website
- Internal improvements to the hints library which fixed bugs some people had
- Fixed yet another way that props could become invincible
- Fixed some obj map props being breakable when they shouldnt
- Nerfed fragile return, you now take +25% poison, melee and bleed damage. people considered this basically free since the screamer rebalance so its only fair to make it actually do something.
- Nerfed doorcading, nailed doors now have 70% the HP they used to have
- Renamed 'Maegor' shotgun to 'Shorty' shotgun
- AFK Players no longer become fresh dead when killed, this was very cheesy when a headcrab would kill some afks in the back of a cade which would often go unnoticed
- Damage received by forcefields now drains 100% more ammo, So if theoretically before 1 damage did 1 ammo now 1 damage does 2 ammo drain
- Pukepus projectiles drain forcefields twice as fast
- Disabled the cade damage stacking system, this system was responsible for scaling up dmg done by zombies the more existed globally, it used to work as follows:
At 10 zombies existing, dmg to cades was 25% higher
At 20 zombies existing, dmg to cades was 50% higher
This means that in most games played the damage done to cades has been nerfed by 50%
This is also what was responsible for seeing 45 damage as a normal zombie instead of the 30 base damage it does.
The problem with this system is that it makes balancing the game a lot harder by the damage varying this much for really no good reason, lots of "non farm" maps suffer from being hard to defend while low pop games have basically god tier cades that are impossible to break.
- Buffed "The Entity" boss HP from 1000 to 1500
- Buffed "Bonemesh" boss:
*Projectile damage to forcefield: 1 -> 50
*Projectile damage to cade: 5 -> 10
*Now ignites wooden props in blast radius for 5 seconds
- Buffed scratcher zombie:
*Health: 133 -> 150
*Melee damage: 10 -> 20
- Buffed mummy zombie:
*Walk speed: 165 -> 185
- Buffed Normal Zombie:
*Melee Damage: 30 -> 35
- Buffed petrisis baron:
*Melee Damage: 150 -> 200
- Fixed error related to overdosing things like painkillers
- Disabled the "Automated Reloader" trinket because its hard to balance and very overpowered
- Capped human healrate multiplier to 10x, and even that is still quite high
- Fixed coming back from AFK weirdly snapping your view around
- Fixed error in damage handling code that produced some odd behaviour in rare instances
- Refactored and optimised the damage handling code
- Bots now use Lacerators instead of a Fast Zombie when the class is available
- Fixed chat exploit
Ive also improved the messages in <#738927975155761222> , i can now fit in detailed information instead of being limited to 50 characters

Discord Relay
Ive moved over to a new steam account, add me as a friend or leave a comment if you want to
Incase you wonder why im changing accounts its because the one youre all familiar with was originally an alt that i misused as a teenager and my old main account was also abused by old teenage me, together with just not being able to change a steam username(and the old usernames i picked were cringy and no im not sharing them) im now moving onto a new one because i'd like to buy games on a account i actually care for
Anyways im gonna be using that account from now on

Discord Relay
- Fixed wooden/breakable props becoming invulnerable in some cases
- Updated prop holding effect (see image)
- Fixed another case of the breakable props problem which mainly showed itself as OBJ planks not being breakable by melee
- You can now cancel feigndeath as a zombie, this one annoyed me as i would sometimes accidentally press shift (see video)
- Improved baron roll hit detection
- Fixed some issues where sometimes you would still spawn in a incorrect location
- Fixed spawning inside of the skybox
- Fixed default clipsize of dual zombie drill
- Fixed bought items not changing color in the F2 shop

Discord Relay
I am proud to announce that version 1 of a system or rather a whole backend ive been working on for the past 2-3 months tirelessly sweating 8-15 hours days each day is finally here.
Youve seen it before already but its Zombies.Zone its new backend and by extension map uploading system, though this is apart of grander plans.
The new website and API laid the groundwork for what is now a very feature rich framework for me to automate huge parts of the server.
A couple days ago i put in the last 24+ hour coding session to get this done but i was a bit tired then to make this post so here goes.
This system now allows <@371673253074305025> to upload maps to the server without my input, it automatically:
1. Uploads it to workshop
2. Uploads it to FastDL
3. Uploads it to the servers
4. Mounts it to the servers
And right now it also allows him to:
1. Edit map specific settings right from the dashboard
2. Edit map rotation settings as a whole
Next to that this API will replace huge parts of the gmod server code while opening up a lot of opportunities to the website and the community as a whole as this backend is completely seperate from a game engine, i could use it in other games if i wanted to.
So if youve been wondering what ive been doing the past couple months it was this.

Discord Relay
You can now use the /notify command to get notified when a certain map is being played on the servers using the <@230780946142593025>
Never miss a sweaty obj farm session i guess?
It supports wildcards so if you want OBJ all you would need to input as mapname is
This was suggested here

Discord Relay
Ive received some feedback about interaction with staff, reports and appeals.
The following issues were observed:
1. Sometimes people would get harassed in reports.
2. Reports would get offtopic messages
3. Reports would get lost in staff DM's
4. Privately reaching out about a report was quite hard to do
5. Sometimes conflicting information of staff would result in problems
To remedy these issues i will be replacing the reports, appeals, bug-report, and emergency-request-staff channel with a new Tickets bot.
This bot has various ticket types you can select in <#1263622908325007494> which serves the purpose of the old channels and also add new possibilities.
The automation provided by this bot will allow us to handle this much better than before.
These changes are done based on community feedback, without feedback this wouldn't have happened!

Discord Relay
- Massively improved server reboot/mapchange speed
- Improvements to bot behaviour
- Fixed regen implant description
- Fixed nightvision bypassing screamer debuff
- Fixed loot not being properly cleaned up which caused lag
- Fixed projectiles doing physics damage (this includes fixing the shade rock)
- Improved phasing detection on angled or otherwise troublesome props that would normally cause you to be phasing for no reason (check video for improvement)

Discord Relay
In an effort to increase transparency ive updated the website with our server/service costs to run this community.
Ive also done some bugfixes and updates to the Servers page and clarified the rule on speaking other languages in ingame chat.

Discord Relay
Hello everyone, its been a while since ive last done a feedback form so i thought now is a good time to do that again.
Ive also noticed that some people are hesistant to reach out to us to provide feedback and i wanna really stress to people that feedback is highly appreciated, my DM's are always open and you will never be negatively affected for doing this.
Ive created a fully anonoymous google form you can fill out to give us some feedback, you can optionally leave behind a steam or discord but this is not required if you are not comfortable doing so, if you do leave this info behind i may ask follow up questions to better understand your viewpoints.
Also i'd love for everyone to keep in mind that this project is just a hobby we do next to our fulltime day jobs and costs us thousands of euros to keep alive each year, we try our best to provide the best experience possible.
If you've been hesitant to share your feedback before for whatever reason this is the time to do it!
Anonymous Feedback Form:

Discord Relay
- Fixed zombie legs(they function how they did before, before it was considered broken)
- Fixed OBJ Rampage lift getting stuck or people dying to trigger hurt on it
- Enabled skycading as a experiment, feedback welcome
- Fixed prop breaking behaviour with stuff like wooden boxes
- Regen implant speed buffes from 12 seconds to 6 seconds
- Reworked the turret UI to not be as blurry
- Turrets now auto reload when out of ammo instead of needing to be actively firing for that to happen
- Fixed OBJ Blackout valve/door objective breaking
- Added extra tools for map balancers to fix obj maps
- Added a toggle for prop distance scrolling in f4

Discord Relay
Website and other services might temporarily become unreachable until im done
Edit: done

Discord Relay
This took some time but its well worth it

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Discord Relay
This is a test
Of some formatting
Because i need to test this
For the new site
Yeah it do be like that
I love formatting
#HelloWhy is anything like this wakopd kwapdkwapokdwopakdwopa

Discord Relay
Im current working on upgrading major zz software based infrastructure, ive launched a new API already aimed at replacing our gmod and website backend
Im also working on replacing the entire website with a slick new one (see image)
These two things are gonna open up many new possiblities for us, one of those is to allow people i authorise to upload maps to the server safely, currently <@371673253074305025> will be given those rights when its done
About the server stability, theres been issues at the host some were DDOS attacks (these arent towards us but to other servers on the same host), those DDOS attacks have been fixed, Some of the issues were network/hardware related and the host is finishing up new infrastructure monday.
The host also released a new status page which can be checked for issues, we are in their frankfurt location on bare metal hosting.
As usual we still have our backup host at a different frankfurt based provider to ensure that ZZ does not go down.

Discord Relay
- When a server crashes it now either loads the map it was on or the one that got voted(if it crashed between the vote and loading the new map), no more jail!
- Detpacks and grenades are no longer purchaseable on wave 0
- Fixed detpack damage being listed inaccurately on the shop
- Fixed Entrainement Militaire not having a description
- Fixed texture tiling for center hud messages having a tiny gap
- Items that have a limited stock can only be bought every 30 seconds by one person to prevent someone hoarding them all
- Cooldown for objective maps is 90 minutes instead of 3 maps (a map lasts about 36 minutes so its about the length of 2 won maps + losing at wave 4), can be changed if too long or too short, we will see. But this should prevent people skipping maps purely for obj.
- Fixed a couple errors
- Added adjustable sensitivity for the prop distance scrolling when youre holding a prop

Discord Relay
- Added a new crash screen thats a lot better(see video):
*You can play a funny game
*It actively talks back to the server to check if its its online again before reconnecting
*gives status updates about whats happening
*Is hosted on independant infrastructure to ensure its reliability in detecting if ours is down
- Fixed spawn selection
- Fixed issues with nest distance calculation
- Locked Map-IO and Mappatcher debug views to staff/dev only to prevent abuse
- Made gmod_undo (default Z bind) behave like +zoom does for phasing
- Some bugfixes to the button hints
- Added hints for deployable placement
- Improved hints on the top of the screen
- Added Hint for phasing
- Shade has been buffed a bit with its prop throwing speed
- Fixed shop message never dissapearing on ZE
- Fixed func_physbox_multiplayer not showing health popup (like the trash cans in onett)
- Fixed purifiers not being able to be placed in certain maps
- Major fixes and improvements to mappatcher which includes the ability to block purifier placement in abusive spots
- Fixed some admin commands not working

Discord Relay
- Added early version of the new Hints! library im working on. This is only just the beginning and i consider it in early alpha stages, ive spent a lot of time on this so i think a test is now ready.
- Fixed "Last Spawn" sometimes not working
- Free roam mode no longer spazzes around when using spacve or shift
- Improved spawn UI
- Integrated Hints! in a couple places like petrisis baron ui, f2 message, spawn ui
- Fixed teamkilling exploit (see video)

Discord Relay
- Saviour changes:
*Med multiplier cap: inf -> 3x
- Chowhound now has a 50% boost instead of a 100% boost to healing
- Level 210 skill "Mastery I" now has a +50% boost to healing supplies instead of +100%
- Food changes:
*Burger HP: 35 -> 25
*Stroopwafel HP: 40 -> 25
- Screamer changes:
*Leg Damage: 10 -> 15 per hit
*Vision Loss: 2 -> 3 per hit
- Slightly adjusted text of food information
- Fixed chat command autocompletion
- Fix to purifier and cbarrier placement
- Fixed the crow collision issue
- Highered ALT target lockon (the thing to like give ammo), from 48 units to 128 units
- Alt target lockon now displays a outline over your target since thats neat and much more clear
- Fixed scaling on the give/drop ammo buttons in the alt menu
- Added a Give All and Drop All button in the alt menu for ammo
- Food can no longer be bought or sold through the second hand shop

Discord Relay
The main servers are stable again now, this was a configuration problem on the host side with the network.
GC and ZW(Closed Beta) are back online now aswell, and their map downloads have been fixed.
GC minimum playcount is also 2 now instead of 3.

Discord Relay
i have however launched server #4 and #5 now as backups incase our main servers go down, these are hosted on a different host so dont suffer from the same outages.
these can be joined using
and connect
Currently a lot of EU based gmod servers are down so its not just us