- Improved the look of damage floaters, they now show when youre damaging armor or a shield
- Fixed error related to weapon sounds
- Removed extremely outdated message popping up for some people
- Fixed nailed props showing a incorrect nail count
- Fixed being able to make invulnerable props if you nailed them a certain way
- Fixed cheesy strats to do with unnailing/nailing when a prop is about to break
- Fixed nail bonus not always being calculated correctly
- Fixed some props having a higher HP when unnailed than when they are nailed
- Fixed breakable props(like crates) receiving double damage sometimes
- Fixed humans being able to destroy a nailed prop is rare cases
- Fixed unnailing props in a very specific way causing them to become unbreakable
- Fixed unnailing a prop in a specific way not updating the bonus health
- Fixed nailing props in a weird way glitching out the nail HUD
- Fixed bug/exploit that allowed teamkilling
- Replaced !rules and !motd with a direct link to the website as gmod uses a 15 year old outdated browser thats useless
- Added !site command that links to the website
- Internal improvements to the hints library which fixed bugs some people had
- Fixed yet another way that props could become invincible
- Fixed some obj map props being breakable when they shouldnt
- Nerfed fragile return, you now take +25% poison, melee and bleed damage. people considered this basically free since the screamer rebalance so its only fair to make it actually do something.
- Nerfed doorcading, nailed doors now have 70% the HP they used to have
- Renamed 'Maegor' shotgun to 'Shorty' shotgun
- AFK Players no longer become fresh dead when killed, this was very cheesy when a headcrab would kill some afks in the back of a cade which would often go unnoticed
- Damage received by forcefields now drains 100% more ammo, So if theoretically before 1 damage did 1 ammo now 1 damage does 2 ammo drain
- Pukepus projectiles drain forcefields twice as fast
- Disabled the cade damage stacking system, this system was responsible for scaling up dmg done by zombies the more existed globally, it used to work as follows:
At 10 zombies existing, dmg to cades was 25% higher
At 20 zombies existing, dmg to cades was 50% higher
This means that in most games played the damage done to cades has been nerfed by 50%
This is also what was responsible for seeing 45 damage as a normal zombie instead of the 30 base damage it does.
The problem with this system is that it makes balancing the game a lot harder by the damage varying this much for really no good reason, lots of "non farm" maps suffer from being hard to defend while low pop games have basically god tier cades that are impossible to break.
- Buffed "The Entity" boss HP from 1000 to 1500
- Buffed "Bonemesh" boss:
*Projectile damage to forcefield: 1 -> 50
*Projectile damage to cade: 5 -> 10
*Now ignites wooden props in blast radius for 5 seconds
- Buffed scratcher zombie:
*Health: 133 -> 150
*Melee damage: 10 -> 20
- Buffed mummy zombie:
*Walk speed: 165 -> 185
- Buffed Normal Zombie:
*Melee Damage: 30 -> 35
- Buffed petrisis baron:
*Melee Damage: 150 -> 200
- Fixed error related to overdosing things like painkillers
- Disabled the "Automated Reloader" trinket because its hard to balance and very overpowered
- Capped human healrate multiplier to 10x, and even that is still quite high
- Fixed coming back from AFK weirdly snapping your view around
- Fixed error in damage handling code that produced some odd behaviour in rare instances
- Refactored and optimised the damage handling code
- Bots now use Lacerators instead of a Fast Zombie when the class is available
- Fixed chat exploit
Ive also improved the messages in <#738927975155761222> , i can now fit in detailed information instead of being limited to 50 characters